
  • General Rules
    Journal of Polyphenols publishes research articles, reviews and short communications in English, on the fields of the science and technology of plant polyphenols.
    Cover Letters
    The journal requires a cover letter be included in submissions. A cover letter should explain why this topic is important, why these results are significant and what the novelty of this work is.
    Manuscript Preparation
    The manuscript should be presented at A4 format, with text margins of 2.5 cm (upper, lower, right and left), Time New Roman, pages and lines continuously numbered.
    The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: main text file; tables; figures.
    The main text file should be presented in the following order:
      Ⅱ.The full names of all authors
      Ⅲ. Abstract and keywords
      Ⅳ. Main text
      Ⅴ. Acknowledgments
      Ⅵ. References
      Ⅶ. Figure Legends
      Ⅷ. Tables
      Ⅸ. Figures
    (1) Title
    A short running title of less than 80 characters, size 14, normal style, centered, bold.
    The names of all authors
    The authors’ institutional affiliations and footnote also for corresponding author’s address and email, size 12, normal style, justified, double spacing.
    (2) Abstract
    A structured, one-paragraph and less than 300 words including the headings of objective (s), method (s), result (s), and conclusion (s), size 12, normal style, justified, double spacing.
    (3) Keywords
    Three to eight key words, size 12, normal style, justified, double spacing.
    (4) Main text
    The main text, size 12, normal style, justified, double spacing and paragraph spacing of 6 points after, including the following sections:
    Introduction Including a clear description of the aims of the investigation.
    Materials and Methods Stating clearly, in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated, the methods and materials used.
    Results and Discussion Presented concisely, using tables or illustrations for clarity, and discussion and interpretation of the results.
    Conclusion(s) To avoid repetition this can sometimes be combined with the Results and Discussion section.
    (5) References
    Authors should follow the examples given below for the format of references. References to unpublished data or personal communications should be avoided. (size 8, single spacing and spacing between paragraph of 6 points after). Journal titles should be abbreviated.
    Examples of references
    Ito Y. Golden rules and pitfalls in selecting optimum conditions for high-speed counter-current Chromatography [J]. J Chromatogr A, 2005, 1065 (2): 145-168.
    Arnold RM, Noble AC, Singleton VL. Bitterness and astringency of phenolic fractions in wine [J]. J Agric Food Chem, 1980, 28 (3): 675-678.
    Markakis P. Anthocyanins as food colors [M]. New York: Academic Press, 1982: 263.
    Speiser P. Lipidnanopellets als tragersystem fur arzneimittel zur peroralen anwendung [P]. European Patent: EP 0167825, 1989-11-14.
    Wikimedia. Trichilia [EB/OL]. 2010: http://species. wikimedia. org/wiki/Trichilia.
    (6) Tables
    Tables should be numbered in Roman and the word “Table” written in bold, size 12; heading and footnote should be centered, size 10. Reference in the text should be made with “Table”. All symbols and abbreviations used should be clearly explained.
    (7) Figures
    Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and the word “Figure”, bold, size 12, centered. Reference in the text should be made with “Figure”. All symbols and abbreviations used should be clearly explained.
    Other indications
    Units of the International System of Units (I.S.) should be used.
    Author must submit manuscripts to
    If the manuscript is accepted for publication, copyright will be assigned exclusively to Editorial Department of Journal of Polyphenols.

  • 2019-07-12 Visited: 5555