A Message from the Editor-in-Chief

  • A Message from the Editor-in-Chief

    Dear scientists

    I am delighted to celebrate the launch of “Journal of Polyphenols”, a new international, non-profit, multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed scientific journal in English, established by Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (China) and Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I. P. (Portugal).

    Journal of Polyphenols publishes high-quality, cutting edge original research representing complete studies and research advances dealing with the chemistry, biology, biotechnology, pharmacology and ecology of plant polyphenols. The Journal encourages particularly papers with nutritional, sensory, microbiological and toxicological aspects and commercial significance of plant polyphenols.

    We hope Journal of Polyphenols will become the primary platform for scientists to share findings and discuss all aspects of plant polyphenols in the development of future innovations that will benefit the international community.

    If you have research works on “polyphenols” to publish but wonder to which journal they will be submitted, Journal of Polyphenols would be an excellent option for you to spread your valuable works in the scientific community! We are now welcoming submissions for future issues of this journal.

    Baoshan Sun


    Journal of Polyphenols

  • Pubdate: 2019-07-11    Viewed: 3786